Super Creamy Desserts: No Condensed Milk, No Gelatin, No Cream Cheese

Super Creamy Desserts: No Condensed Milk, No Gelatin, No Cream Cheese!

Making a dessert without the use of condensed milk, gelatin, or cream cheese that is both extraordinarily creamy and delicious is nothing short of amazing. Your taste buds will be dancing after tasting our delicious combination of pudding, caramel, and Castella cake in our Super Creamy Dessert. Whether you’re seeking to dazzle visitors or just treat yourself to something special, this dessert is ideal for every occasion.

A Synopsis of Creamy Dessert History
Creamy sweets have long been a mainstay of international culinary customs. These sweets, which range from the rich custards of France to the delicate puddings of England, are adored for their sumptuous textures and cozy tastes. Our recipe is based on these timeless dishes, but it has a contemporary touch that eliminates certain a larger range of dietary choices because it contains one of the more often used components.

Components of the caramel:

  1. 1.81 tsp water and 5.29 oz of sugar
  2. One tablespoon of lemon juice

Regarding the Pudding:

  1. One yolk from an egg
  2. three eggs
  3. 2.12 ounces of sugar
  4. 1.35 litres of milk
  5. 1 tablespoon of optional vanilla

Regarding the Castella Cake:

  1. One white egg
  2. One egg
  3. 1 cup sugar and 1 cup flour

Detailed Instructions

How to Prepare Caramel

  • Mix the Ingredients Together: Put 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 0.81 tsp water, and 5.29 oz sugar in a medium pot. Gently mix everything together.
  • Warm up the Blend: Set the saucepan’s temperature to medium. Stir the sugar; do not stir until it dissolves. The mixture will start to bubble and change color as it becomes hotter.
  • Keep an Eye Out for Color Changes: After the Once the sugar syrup starts to take on a light amber hue, turn down the heat. It may take many minutes to complete this procedure, so be patient and watch it carefully to prevent burning.
  • Disperse the caramel: Gently tilt the pot so that the caramel is distributed evenly. After cooking for a further two minutes to intensify the flavor and color, take it off the heat.
  • Pour and Cool: Evenly cover the bottom of the pudding cups with the heated caramel by carefully pouring it in. Once the pudding is ready, set the cups aside to cool.
    Also also Tastier than the Most Delicious Pies: Merely One Egg and a Tiny Kefir

How to Prepare Pudding

  • Get the egg mixture ready. Take off the yolk from one egg and set it aside; use the white for use at a later time. Beat together 1 egg yolk, 3 whole eggs, and 2.12 ounces of sugar in a large mixing dish. Mix the ingredients with a whisk until the blend is smooth and has a small foam.
  • Put the Milk in: Pour in 1.35 cups of milk gradually while whisking constantly to ensure that all components are combined. For added flavor, if using, add 1 tablespoon of vanilla.
  • Pour the Mixture Through a Strainer: Pour the pudding mixture into a jug and pour it through a fine-mesh strainer to guarantee a smooth texture. By doing this, any egg or foam fragments that can cause an uneven texture will be eliminated.
  • Eliminate Foam: If any foam has risen to the top of the mixture, use a spoon to skim it off. In order to have a pudding that is silky smooth, this step is essential.
  • Transfer to Cups: Pour the pudding slowly. mixture in your ready-made cups over the caramel. Fill every cup almost to the brim.

Methods for Baking Castella Cake

  • Beat the Eggs: Beat together 1 egg white, 1 whole egg, and 1.23 ounces sugar in a large mixing dish.
  • Beat the mixture for approximately two minutes on medium-low speed with an electric hand mixer until it foams. Step up the tempo and beat for an additional four minutes, or until the mixture becomes pale yellow in color and forms firm peaks.
  • Incorporate the flour. Pour 1.06 ounces of flour into the mixture of beaten eggs. Using a spatula, slowly fold in the flour until completely combined, being cautious not to deflate the mixture.
  • Arrange the Layers of Batter: Place a spoonful of the Castella cake batter over the pudding mixture.  within your cups. Use a spatula to properly spread it.

Steps of Baking and Finishing

  • Spread out the filled cups on a baking pan to prepare the water bath. Fill the tray halfway up the edges of the cups with boiling water. The delicacies will cook more softly and evenly thanks to this water bath.
  • Bake: Set the oven temperature to 160ºC (320ºF). After carefully placing the baking pan in the oven, bake the desserts for 28 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown.
  • Take the baking tray out of the oven and the cups out of the water bath to cool and serve. Once they’re at room
  • temperature, let them set in the refrigerator for at least two hours.
  • One other option for serving is to offer these treats warm. For Serve with a side of black coffee for an added sense of refinement.

In summary
Savor the opulent tastes and textures of our Extra Creamy Desserts. This dish is guaranteed to become a favorite since it perfectly balances the sweetness of caramel, the silkiness of pudding, and the lightness of Castella cake. Enjoy it warm or cold, and don’t forget to match it with a strong black coffee to complete the picture.

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